How to Power Nap to Boost Your Productivity [Infographic]

How to Power Nap to Boost Your Productivity

How to Power Nap to Boost Your Productivity

When we practice a self-care lifestyle, we exercise mindfulness. On this journey, we seek balance in life. Yet, we also attempt to complete “to do” lists and save the world, running ourselves into the ground in the process. This takes us out of balance. Power napping is the missing element that can put you back on your A-game to conquer the rest of the day.

Studies have shown that napping can reduce stress, improves concentration, creativity and productivity. Some of the greatest minds, such as Salvador Dali, Winston Churchill and John F. Kennedy enjoyed a mid-day dose. It helped them to prosper during difficult times and find creativity in creative droughts.

Counterbalancing stress is a daily practice. Sometimes to be victorious, we have to pull off the road and rest. Our friends at Casper have a few tips that will help you get grounded and get the most out of your day, all at the same time. 

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